As well as resolving disputes, we work with businesses to help prevent complaints. On this page, we provide information about the ways we share our knowledge and experience with financial businesses.

Business engagement
Our work gives us an insight into how complaints arise and how they might be avoided in the future.
We support and share insight with financial businesses and other stakeholders in a number of different ways. Through our regular communications, events, online in our complaints handling guidance and reports, and via our Business Support Hub.
Our business engagement team also works with businesses to help overcome any barriers we might encounter operationally when we are handling complaints. By building and maintaining strong working relationships with businesses, we can share our knowledge and gain insight into any emerging issues.
It’s important for us to keep in touch with all sectors of the industry, including smaller businesses. If you have an event you’d like us to come along to, get in touch to see if we can help.
Forums, steering groups and regular meetings
We run high-level forums and steering groups that are attended by various organisations, including industry or sector representatives, financial businesses, charities and consumer organisations. You can find below more detail about our forums and groups, and our latest published minutes.
We hold regular industry steering group meetings for banking, insurance and financial services trade bodies. We use these meetings to discuss strategic issues, such as our funding and future strategy, and trends and emerging issues that affect the Financial Ombudsman’s work. We’ll publish the minutes of our upcoming meetings here.
Insurance ISG minutes - July 2023 (PDF 210KB)
Insurance ISG minutes - January 2023 (PDF 147 KB)
Trade Body ISG minutes – December 2022 (PDF 212KB)
Banking ISG minutes – November 2022 (PDF 479KB)
Insurance ISG minutes - June 2022 (PDF 969 KB)
We hold regular, thematic discussions at a strategic level about sector-specific issues in consumer credit. The forum meets quarterly and is comprised of trade bodies representing the consumer credit industry. You can find our terms of reference and the minutes of our latest forum below:
We hold regular meetings with representatives from consumer groups and charities, where we share insight on emerging issues and complaint trends. You can read more about the work we do, and our latest minutes on our website.
We also engage with stakeholders with an interest and expertise in the SME sector to share insight, find out more about the role of our SME advisory group and expert panel.

Sharing our insight to help prevent complaints
We regularly share data and insight about our work and the complaints we receive. This includes our complaints data about the financial products and financial businesses we receive complaints about.
We also share our practical experience of resolving financial disputes through our published final decisions, our case studies and our online guidance about our approach to the complaints we see.

Our Business Support Hub
Financial businesses and professional consumer advisers can contact our Business Support Hub for help with general enquiries.