Consumer complains after her insurer declined a claim for her stolen e-scooter

Insurance : Category Theft : Category

Bhavna was unhappy that her insurer declined a claim for the theft of her privately-owned e-scooter.

What happened

Bhavna kept her e-scooter in the garage attached to her home. The garage was securely locked but one morning Bhavna found it had been broken into. A number of items had been taken, including her e-scooter.

Bhavna’s insurance policy provided cover for personal possessions. But her insurer said the e-scooter wasn’t covered, because it would be considered as an electric vehicle, explaining that her policy excluded:

“Motor and electric vehicles of any kind (except for ride-on lawnmowers, electric invalid carriages or wheelchairs, electrically powered bicycles, children’s electrically powered toys and pedestrian controlled vehicles such as electrically powered golf trolleys).”

Bhavna didn’t agree and complained to her insurer. Unhappy with the outcome, Bhavna contacted us to make a complaint. 

What we said

We considered what the insurer said and took account of the policy wording saying ‘electric vehicles of any kind’ were excluded. We felt that wording was particularly wide ranging and that an e-scooter could be fairly considered as an electric vehicle.

But we also noted a number of electric vehicles were covered, including electrically powered bicycles and pedestrian controlled vehicles. We felt an e-scooter could be fairly described as a pedestrian controlled vehicle. As e-scooters weren’t specifically excluded, we felt the theft of Bhavna’s e-scooter should be covered.

We said it was important for insurers to keep policies updated as to what they will and will not cover, especially when new products come to market – and increase in popularity. It’s important for customers to check their policies, particularly after making expensive purchases.