Consumer feels he wasn’t given enough information when buying his telematics policy

Motor Insurance : Category Telematics Insurance : Category

Farhan felt he had been mis-sold his telematics policy, so asked us to investigate.

What happened

Farhan bought the policy online. After he’d been insured for a short while, his insurer warned him the policy would be cancelled if he didn’t improve his telematics driving score. He ended up cancelling the policy himself.

One reason for Farhan’s low score was that he was driving regularly at night. He was unhappy because he felt the insurer hadn’t explained to him that this would affect his score. He said if he had known this, he wouldn’t have agreed to the insurance – as he had to drive at night for work.

Farhan raised his concern with his insurer and made a complaint. Unhappy with the outcome, he contacted our service to investigate.

What we said

We looked at how the policy was sold to Farhan and what information he got at the time of sale. We felt the insurance broker had done enough during the online sale process to warn Farhan of the impact driving at night would have. The sales information had included a recommendation not to buy the policy if you drive regularly at night and a clear explanation of the hours this period included. Farhan was told that if someone drove regularly at night they’d need very good scores in other categories to get a high enough score overall.

We thought that Farhan had been given enough information about how the policy worked.  We didn’t think the policy had been mis-sold. So we didn’t ask the broker to do anything differently.