'My lender won't agree to my repayment proposals'

Mortgages : Category

Steven raised a complaint after his mortgage lender was unable to agreed to his repayment proposals.

What happened

When Steven lost his job, he began to fall behind on his mortgage payments. He contacted his lender and asked for help. Steven suggested two  options – but the lender wouldn’t agree to either.

Steven first suggested to pay £500 a month to pay off the arrears. But the lender questioned where Steven would find the extra £500, given he was already unable to meet the basic payments. He then suggested paying only interest for a while – but didn’t say how he could get back to the contracted repayments. 

What we said

We felt the lender had considered both options, but had decided they weren’t reasonable – and explained why. We didn’t think it needed to agree to Steven’s proposals. We encouraged Steven to work with the lender to find an alternative solution that worked for both of them.