'My lender's harassing me about paying the shortfall'

Mortgages : Category

Roshni complained to us after her mortgage lender kept chasing her to pay more than they’d agreed under her repayment plan, to cover the cost of her mortgage shortfall.

What happened

Roshni’s house was repossessed and sold, leaving a shortfall. She agreed a repayment plan with her former lender, with her monthly payments due to be reviewed after a year. But the lender continued to contact Roshni several times a month, asking if her circumstances had changed and if she could increase her payments.

What we said

It was reasonable for the lender to ask Roshni to repay the shortfall. But we didn’t think it was fair for them to keep contacting her each month when they’d already agreed a repayment plan. We told the lender to keep to its agreement to review Roshni's circumstances after 12 months – and to pay her compensation for the upset they’d caused her.