Consumer thought she’d bought a life insurance policy but discovered it was personal accident insurance

Insurance : Category Personal Accident Insurance : Category Life Assurance : Category

Lisa complained to us about the sale of her personal accident policy. She says she was led to believe she’d taken out a life insurance policy. 

What happened

Lisa complained to us about the sale of her personal accident policy. She felt her insurer didn’t provide enough clear information about the policy she’d taken out, and thought she had a life insurance policy.

When Lisa raised a complaint to the insurer, it wouldn’t uphold her complaint. It said the information they provided was clear and not misleading, and the policy had not been mis-sold.

What we said

We looked at the evidence from the time of the insurance sale. This showed the policy was sold in one of the insurer’s branches. The insurer provided an original copy of the sales checklist they used, called a Personal Accident Plan. The checklist showed the insurer didn’t give any advice about the suitability of the policy. However, the key facts had been explained to Lisa and she’d been given a copy of the policy document and signed the checklist.

Because Lisa had signed the checklist, we felt it was likely the steps set out in the checklist took place – like Lisa being given copies of the relevant documents. We also reviewed the documents which explained how the policy worked. There wasn’t any evidence to suggest she’d taken out a life insurance policy.

We felt the insurer had taken the appropriate steps, so we told Lisa we didn’t feel the policy had been mis-sold, and that we didn’t have any basis to ask the insurer to refund her premiums.