Customer complains about ill-fitting suit when credit provider doesn't help

Faulty Goods : Category Consumer Credit : Category

Matteo got in touch with us when his credit card provider wouldn't pay his claim when a custom suit didn't fit.

What happened

Matteo had saved up for a bespoke suit and was measured by a tailor. But when the suit arrived, the trouser legs were far too short. He phoned the supplier immediately to tell them about the problem. The supplier apologised and said they’d send the tailor to sort things out. But the tailor missed the appointment. 

When Matteo spoke to his friend about this issue, he told him about Section 75. Matteo called his credit card provider and told them what had happened. But they wouldn't refund the money. They said there was no proof that the suit didn't fit when Matteo first received it. 

Matteo didn’t think that this was fair, so he came to us to take a look. 

What we said

Matteo sent us photos of himself wearing the suit, which clearly didn’t fit. We thought the fact that Matteo contacted the supplier so quickly showed there had likely been a problem when the suit first arrived. We also found that the supplier had agreed there was a problem and made arrangements to correct it – although this then didn't happen. 

There was clear evidence of a breach of contract, so we decided to uphold Matteo’s complaint. We told the credit card provider to refund the cost of the suit.