Consumer tell us the travel company they used to book their holiday has stopped trading

Travel Insurance : Category Section 75 : Category

Maliha contacted us while she was on holiday. The travel company she’d booked her family holiday with had stopped trading.

What happened

Maliha contacted us while she was on holiday. The travel company she booked her family holiday with had stopped trading.

She had to pay extra money to stay in her hotel, and she was worried she would have to buy new flight tickets to return to the UK.

She didn’t know what to do. She hadn’t yet been in touch with her travel insurance company.

What we said

As Maliha had a copy of her travel insurance policy with her, we asked her to check the terms and conditions. Maliha hadn’t paid extra for end supplier failure or travel disruption cover. As there weren’t any other section of Maliha's policy that applied to her circumstances, we told her that she was unlikely to be covered by her travel insurance policy.  

Maliha told us she paid for her package holiday with her credit card. We told Maliha that because of this she may be ATOL protected, and might be able to make a claim via the Civil Aviation Authority.

We also explained to Maliha that she could contact her bank or credit card provider, to see if she could make a Section 75.