Insurer makes admin mistakes which led to unreasonable delays

Motor Insurance : Category

Andrew complains about the time taken to repair his car and the quality of the repair. 

What happened

Andrew's insurer carried out repairs to his car. He felt the insurer took too long to get the repairs done and found that they made several mistakes. 

After the repairs were done, Andrew had to take his car back 4 more times as it wasn’t fully fixed. He had an independent report carried out which supported his views on the workmanship.

Andrew was unhappy with how the repairs were carried out, so he raised a complaint with his insurer. Unhappy with the final outcome, Andrew contacted our service to investigate his complaint. 

What we said

We reviewed the claim notes and found that his insurer had made several mistakes which meant the repairs were severely delayed. They’d also forgotten to order parts until Andrew chased them.

We upheld this complaint as we agreed that the repair work was substandard. Understandably, Andrew didn’t want to take the car back to the insurer’s garage again.

So we told his insurer to pay him a reasonable amount to get the remaining work done at a garage of his choice.