Welcome to Ombudsman News. In this edition, we share an overview of our latest complaints data, including detail on some of the trends seen in the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial year. The data shows that fraud and scam complaints continue to be one of the main drivers of complaints to us.

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Our complaints data for April to June 2021

Our latest complaints data on financial products and services is now available on our website. Overall, we received 50,906 complaints in the first three months of the 2021/22 financial year. The complaints data includes the number of enquiries and new cases we received, the number of complaints passed to an ombudsman for a final decision and the proportion of complaints resolved in favour of customers.


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Fraud and scams complaints increase 66% year-on-year

The number of fraud and scams complaints that customers brought to us increased by 66% in the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, compared with the same period the previous year. We’ve seen cases where fraudsters have posed as their customer’s bank and convinced them to move their money to a ‘safe account’. We’ve also heard from consumers who have paid for goods via a bank transfer but didn’t receive what they’d paid for. We also saw an increase in complaints about fraud and scams that involved cryptocurrencies.

Our guidance for businesses on handling complaints about fraud and scams, and examples of how we resolved cases, is available on our website.


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Current accounts, credit cards and car insurance

For the first time in over a decade, current accounts were the most complained about product, with consumers bringing 6,911 complaints. This is an increase of 55% compared to the same period last year. Complaints about fraud and scams accounted for around half of the current account complaints we received in the first three months of the year. Complaints about credit cards and car insurance were other areas where we saw the high numbers of complaints.

We publish guidance about our approach to the range of complaint types we see on our website. 


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Complaints about individual businesses January to June 2021

This week we also published our half-yearly figures showing the number of complaints received about individual financial businesses and the uphold rates.


Read the full data

Complaints about claims management companies


Our complaints data about claims management companies (CMCs) shows the volume of complaints we received and resolved about CMCs, and the proportion of complaints upheld in the customer's favour.


Read our quarterly data

Read our half-yearly data

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