Ombudsman News

Look at previous editions of Ombudsman News - our newsletter for people interested in financial complaints, and how to settle or prevent them - to catch-up on the latest:

  • case studies showing the problems that people bring to us - and how we sort them out
  • information about our approach to resolving complaints
  • news and feedback from the ombudsman.

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Ombudsman news issue 46

We set out our approach to complaints involving disputed card transactions and look at insurance cases involving “non-disclosure”. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Investments Banking Non-Disclosure Mortgage Endowments

Read issue 46 

Ombudsman news issue 45

We look at complaints involving a bank’s breach of customer confidentiality and explain our approach to these cases through a selection of case studies. We also launch our updated guide for complaint handlers.


Read issue 45 

Ombudsman news issue 44

We look at personal accident insurance and customers’ attitude to risk in mortgage endowment cases. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Banking Personal Accident Insurance Mortgage Endowments

Read issue 44 

Ombudsman news issue 43

We look at cases involving mortgage underfunding and set out the range of insurance intermediary activities we now cover. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Insurance Investments Mortgage underfunding

Read issue 43 

Ombudsman news issue 42

We look at how CHAPS works, and outline some of the complaints we have dealt with recently on this topic. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Insurance Banking Investments

Read issue 42 

Ombudsman news issue 41

We look at the "termination" issues that tend to arise most frequently in banking complaints. We also set out our views on certain aspects of insurance fraud, and provide a selection of some of the wide range of investment cases that we have dealt with in recent months.

Insurance Banking Investments

Read issue 41 

Ombudsman news issue 40

We look at banking firms right of “set off” and the changes to the rules, about time limits for consumers wishing to make mortgage endowment complaints. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Banking Jurisdiction Mortgage Endowments Critical Illness

Read issue 40 

Ombudsman news issue 39

We look at how banking firms deal with customers who find themselves in financial difficulties, and highlight the kinds of complaints that are referred to us about "whole-of-life" plans and commercial insurance. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Insurance Investments Financial Difficulties

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Ombudsman news issue 38

We highlight the differences between standing orders and direct debits and look at the types of investment complaints we receive about market value adjustments. We also share a selection of case studies from our banking, investment and insurance teams.

Investments Direct Debits Keys in car

Read issue 38 

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Ombudsman News

Our regular newsletter for people interested in financial complaints, and how to settle or prevent them.