My dad is being chased by a debt collector and we don’t know what to do

Debt Collecting : Category Compensation : Category

Jon's dad was repeatedly contacted by a debt collector, which was causing him distress as he couldn’t afford the payments they were asking for.

What happened

Jon found out that his dad was being called by a debt collector at several points throughout the day. His dad had told them that he couldn’t afford the payments they were asking for, but they still kept calling.

What we said

When Jon called us and told us about his dad’s situation, we decided to speak to the debt collector on his behalf. It seemed that although they’d been chasing Jon’s dad – they hadn’t tried to find out how much he could actually afford to pay.

We felt this was unfair. We told them to work with Jon’s dad to find an affordable repayment figure. We also asked them to compensate him for the unnecessary stress and inconvenience they’d caused him.