Dylan felt his bank racially profiled him when he visited a branch

Discrimination : Category Banking : Category

When he visited his bank to withdraw cash from his account, Dylan felt singled out and consequently embarrassed in front of other customers. He believed he'd been racially profiled and brought his complaint to us.

What happened

Dylan felt he’d been racially profiled by his bank. He wanted to withdraw a large amount in cash from his bank account. He telephoned his bank ahead of his visit so that the money would be ready for collection.

When he arrived at the branch, he explained that he was there to collect his money. He was kept waiting whilst the cashier spoke to the manager. The manager told him that the branch didn’t hold such large amounts so couldn’t give it to him. The branch had no record of Dylan ringing ahead to arrange to collect the cash.

Dylan became aware that other customers were overhearing the conversation with the manager. He was also conscious of being the only black person in the branch. He felt singled out because he was black and embarrassed by being discussed openly in front of other customers.

He felt a white British customer wouldn’t have been treated in the same way. He left and drove to another branch several miles away to withdraw the cash he needed. Once his identification documents were checked at the other branch, his transaction was processed.

What we said

We asked the bank for CCTV footage of what had happened, but this hadn’t been retained. We asked for any statements from the branch staff in attendance and for an explanation as to why Dylan wasn’t given the money. The bank was unable to provide any further evidence. Nor a reasonable explanation about what had happened.

We felt Dylan had been consistent and persuasive in what he’d told the bank and us. We weren’t satisfied that the bank had carried out an impartial and fair investigation into what had happened. We also asked Dylan how the experience had made him feel and relayed this to the bank. The bank accepted its actions had led to Dylan feeling racially profiled and offered him compensation. Dylan accepted its offer in resolution of his complaint.